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Saturday, August 22, 2020

Happy Ganesh Chaturthi

🌸Ganesha is the Power that removes obstacles by the force of Knowledge.
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Ganesha (among other things) is the Devata of spiritual Knowledge.

~Sri Aurobindo
(Letters on Yoga 2, p. 377-378)🌸

You see, this is how it happened: there's this Ganesh ... We had a meditation (this was more than thirty years ago) in the room where 'Prosperity' is now distributed. There were eight or ten of us, I believe. We used to make sentences with flowers; I arranged the flowers, and each one made a sentence with the different flowers I had put there. And one day when the subject of prosperity or wealth came up, I thought (they always say that Ganesh is the god of money, of fortune, of the world's wealth), I thought, 'Isn't this whole story of the god with an elephant trunk merely a lot of human imagination?' Thereupon, we meditated. And who should I see walk in and park himself in front of me but a living being, absolutely alive and luminous, with a trunk that long ... and smiling! So then, in my meditation, I said, 'Ah! So it's true that you exist!' - 'Of course I exist! And you may ask me for whatever you wish, from a monetary standpoint, of course, and I will give it to you!'

So I asked. And for about ten years, it poured in, like this (gesture of torrents). It was incredible. I would ask, and at the next Darshan, or a month or several days later, depending, there it was.

(Mother's Agenda, Vol. 1, July 6, 1958, page 175)

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