SRI AUROMAA newsletter posts are avilable here since 2009 uploaded by SRI AUROBINDO SOCIETY CENTRE, ELURU, A.P.

Friday, December 25, 2020

Meeting on 24th December, 2020


Sri P C Swaroop; Sri Ajit sabnis;SriY S V S Murthy; SriV.Narendra Babu; Sri M.Srinivas rao; Dr.P.Venkateswar Rao;Sri K.Vijaya Kumar;Sri V.Rajsekhar Reddy; Sri P.Ramachandra rao; Sri V.Kanta Rao; Smt.Sampurna; Smt.D.Alamelu; Smt.Dr.J .Gayatri Devi;Smt.C.Lakshmi; Sri P V Guruprasad.


   Points put forth by Sri Ajit sabnis,Co-- odinator for South:

  Society is dealing through many Verticals-- circulate their Activities. 

  Swadhyay or Group-- readings should be done Topic- wise.

  Give importance to Future Poetry, On Vedas, Human Cycle of Sri Aurobindo along with the Primary Works & writings. 

  Present Government is pro-- active and The New National Education Policy has a semblance of Integral Education. Give a serious study of the Policy and interact with the government. ( Minister for Education, Karnataka Government has Visited the Bhavan at Bengaluru to know about Integral Education).


   Plan as to how to Converge on Projects for 15th August, 2022. India Our Mother is being projected by the Society. 

 Around 16 to 17 Verticals are Active at Pondy--- Draw parallel Activities at the Centres and Branches. Work for common Objective for Collective Sadhana.

Plan Innovative Programmes and have a Big Event at the State-- level or at One or Two places in the Telugu States. 

International Yoga Centre-- probably Matri Niketan may be Instituted by August, 2022.

 A Website for the State Committee-- for connecting Branches etc.and to have a Global Connectivity. 

 Digitalise Literature available in Telugu;- Giving example of Karnataka -- 15000 pages of the 21000 pages of the monthly Akhila Maasa Patrike are digitalised. 

  Online Courses with nominal payments maybe encouraged.

OTHER POINTS from the deliberations::

About Some Centres & Branches----

  Sri P.Ramachandra rao and Smt.D.Alamelu have spoken on the recent developments at the MANSAS trust, Vijayanagaram and Renting of a New premises for the Society. 

 Sri V.Narendra babu spoke of the developments at Tirupathi Branch. 

 Smt.Sampurna gave details of the Sri Aravinda Integral school,40 Years of Divya Deepika, maintenance of Relics the Tenali Centre. 

 Sri Y S V S Murthy gave details of the Society land at Kakinada.

 Sri M.Srinivas deliberated on the Branch Premises at Hyderabad, need for acquiring a Spacious land at aNew place. Centres and Branches should firmup their OutReach programmes. 

 Sri V.Kanta Rao detailed of the Collective Meetings at Hanamkonda branch.

 Sri Narendra babu preferred Small booklet on the National programmes and a 15 page booklet on Sri Aurobindo's life mainly for Youth.( Please Note::A  4-- page pamphlet on different Verticals in Telugu being distributed for the past 2 years ----New material maybe worked out. 

Towards Tomorrow-- booklet is covering multi-- fold programmes of the Society.

 The Society Booklet on Life of Sri Aurobindo is available. Also, a small book by Siddipet centre on Sri Aurobindo for children is available in Telugu.

 6 publications in Telugu were published written by Sri KV Rao, Dr.P.Venkateswara Rao, Late Sri M.Sree Ramulu(Reprinted), and by Siddipet Centre. 

A book on 40 years of Divya Deepika, tri-monthly, was brought out by Tenali centre. 

Sri V.Rajsekhar Reddy said Schools will be contacted with the Society programmes probably after March 2021.

Sri Surendracharya and Dr.J.Gayatri devi are holding Speaker Meetings online for the past 3 months on behalf of Siddipet Centre.

Dr.Venkateswar rao, Secretary,gave a brief Report . He  & Sri P V Guru prasad said of a probable place for Meetings at Bimavaram in Future.

 P C Swaroop urged All the Members and Chairmen and Secretaries to discuss with their Executive committee and Members about Awareness programmes that can be done between Summer of 2021 to August 2022.

 Smt.V.Suneetha sekhar is publishing Articles in the Popular 'Bhakti' monthly magazine. Sri K.Bhaskar Rao's writeups on Integral yoga appearing periodically in Andhra Jyothi daily. 


  The Meeting of nearly 2 hours started with The Mother's Music and ended with the chanting of a mantra.


Prayers to The Mother !

Regards ,

P C Swaroop 

  NEXT ONLINE MEETING::Later, Sri Ajitbhai gave 8th January as a convenient date and online Meeting will be held on that Day.

 Main AGENDA is Probable Activities to be takenup at different places in the Telugu States and Focussed programmes by the CENTRES  and BRANCHES-- for 150 years of Sri Aurobindo and 75 years of Indian Independence in  August 2022 🌺

Sunday, November 15, 2020

India's City of the Future Auroville


One of the most unique communities I have ever seen. Such an interesting alternative to regular society we all live in.

The Mother's Victory

 I am confident that in the long run everything will be clear and there will be Mother's victory.

The Mother 's victory is, essentially, the victory of each sadhak over himself. It can only be then that any external form of work can come to harmonious perfection.

12 November 1936[p.331]

The Mother


 A hard question. Really. To ask oneself, not others. 

Last week we saw why sincerity is important, but what is it?

Sincerity means the absence of pretence, deceit or hypocrisy. It goes beyond honesty, requiring earnestness in all you say and feel. It is when there is perfect alignment between one’s thoughts, feelings, words and actions.

Sincerity is not concerned with satisfying others – it is driven by our need to be true to our deepest self. It is a key to the divine within.

We can carry many layers of deceit within ourselves, which means there can be many levels of sincerity to pass through. For example, you may believe you are undertaking your work from a place of genuine goodwill. But when you look deeply it could be that your diligence is motivated by ambition, fear or a need to be liked.

A sincere person is transparent. Their inner truth shines out from their eyes.  As with a perfect pane of glass their light is able to travel without distortion.

This is an offering through the Integral Education Portal:

Friday, November 13, 2020

17 November 2020


Most people confuse liberty with licence

 🌸Most people confuse liberty with licence. For the ordinary

mind, to be free is to have the chance of committing every stu-

pidity that one likes, without anybody intervening. I say one

must be “absolutely free”, but it is a very dangerous advice

unless one understands the meaning of the words. Free from

what? — free from attachments, evidently. It is exactly that. It

is the story of the Buddha who answers the young man expert

in all the arts, “I am an expert in the art of self-control. If

men congratulate me or praise me, it leaves me tranquil and

indifferent. If they blame me, that leaves me equally tranquil

and indifferent.”

~The Mother

(CWM 4:90)🌸

Wednesday, November 11, 2020



  Intense Aspiration is there in many places of the Telugu States.🌷

  Almost All the places having RELICS , in the Telugu States had staunc h Devotees.

 Even now-- they are being looked after well by the local Devotees.

 Grace of the Mother is Clearly perceptible 🌹

1.Tenali centre , Sri Aurobindo  Society-- completed 50 years as of May 2019 and a Function was held there last Year.🌺

  The School being run is completing  nearly 40 years of its existence-- thanks to the Members and dedicated Teachers.🌸

  Divya Deepika-- is issuing a Special Edition this Month-- as ot has completed 40 years of its Publication 🌷

 A dumping yard -- given 40 years back was transformed into School buildings, Relics centre and Savitri bhavan by spending huge amounts--- All Offerings.👌

2.Tirupathi Branch is nearly 23 years and RELICS Enshrined in a Spacious Park area 20 years back.

 A Primary school for Children from marginalised sections etc.being run.🌷

  Full-- fledged Structures were built over the Years-- through offerings by Many persons and Devotees thanks to the Efforts of Venkatramiahgaru and others. Last November i visited the place.🙏

3.Vijayanagaram Centre:: Organised 2 Annual State Conferences in 2003 and 2018 by the Grace of The Mother .

  2005 Mansas Trust Permitted Sri Aurobindo Society-- to conduct iys programmes in dilapidated rooms( existing condition in 2005).Ramachandra raogaru phoned recently and told that The Members of the Society have spent more than 25 lakhs in Reconstructing and repairing the Rooms as an Offering.🌸

  The place is under MANSAS Trust.

 Sri DVN Sarma has put in lot of Efforts over the years and i understand that he is going over to Vijayanagaram on 15th or so of this Month.

Prayers to The Mother 👏


A.Penjendra Centre,near Gudivada, Krishna District-- Running a school since long by local Members.

  Revived well from 2015 after my visits to the Relics place. Activities increased and sustained after connecting Well to the Society 👍

B.Gaddipally Centre, Suryapet District-- started Centre around 2013 and hosted Annual State Conference  in 2017. Thanks to Late Dr.Ganta Gopal Reddy, Dr.Satyanarayan Reddy, Mr.Govardhan & othets.Multi-- fold Activities sustained. 🌸

C.Siddipet Centre:: Started in 2018-- eatliet a Study circle-- Published around 35 Books and Booklets in Telugu in the last 10 to 12 Years including History of the Society in Telugu States since 1970s. 🌺

 Thanks to Sri Surendracharya, Dr Gayatrigaru, Sri Narendra boda, Smt.UmaMaheswari, Malleshamgaru and others---- Pioneering efforts are made by organising ONLINE Talks since last month.

 Sri GVSV Pradad Rao, Dr.Nagaranjani and myself had Online interaction and  Mr.MuluguSrinivas was  the Resource person On 12th November. 🌷

 Grace of The Mother 👏

D.  Yallur RELICS-- enshrined 40 years back by staunch Devotees-- is dull for the past few Years due to passing away of Elderly persons.

   Last 3--4 Years Sri Rajsekhar Reddy and Smt.Suneetha sekhar from Hayatnagar centre, Hydearabad are interacting with Yallur RELICS place, Kurnool District-- The Shrine and the Structure needs repairs-- and Some of us from Telugu States have pooledup Offerings to renovate the place.🌷

 Sri Pradeep Narang too has sent his Offering.

 Work will be started shortly--- as Pandemic since March last and Rajsekhargaru is abroad. They will be returning shortly.👍

 Society is interested in this Rural place-- having local Devotees-- as RELICS are well enshrined here.🌹

 Grace is Hers👏

With Regards,

P C Swaroop


Tuesday, October 13, 2020

The Mother

An atmosphere of spirituality is sometimes a far greater help than an exchange of words; the most beautiful thoughts cannot make us progress unless we have a persistent will to translate them within ourselves into higher feelings, more exact sensations and nobler actions.

Thus, to improve our meetings, the essential condition is our own self-improvement.

If we unify ourselves and identify our consciousness with the consciousness of our Divine Self, our group will become unified. If we enlighten and illumine our intellectual faculties, our group will manifest the light. If we allow impersonal love to permeate our whole being, our group will radiate love. And finally, if we bring order into ourselves, our group will become organised of itself, without our needing to intervene arbitrarily in its formation.

In short, let us become the living cells of the organism we want to bring forth, and let us not forget that on the value of its cells will depend the value of the collective being and its action, its usefulness in the work of universal harmony.

Thursday, October 8, 2020





When you sit in meditation you must be as candid and simple as a child, not interfering by your external mind, expecting nothing, insisting on nothing. Once this condition is there, all the rest depends upon the aspiration deep within you. And if you call upon Divinity, then too you will have the answer.    

26 January 1935

The Mother - Rays of Light

Wednesday, October 7, 2020

The Power of Prayer


As for prayer, no hard and fast rule can be laid down. Some prayers are answered, all are not. An example? The eldest daughter of my Mesho, K. K. Mitra , editor of Sanjibani, not by any means a romantic, occult, supraphysical or even imaginative person, was abandoned by the doctors after using every resource, all medicines stopped as useless. The father said "There is only God now, let us pray." He did, and from that moment the girl began to recover, typhoid fever and all its symptoms fled, death also. I know any number of cases like that. Well? You may ask why should not then all prayers be answered? But why should they be? It is not a machinery–put a prayer in the slot and get your asking. Besides, considering all the contradictory things mankind is praying for at the same moment, God would be in a rather awkward hole, if he had to grant all of them–it wouldn't do.

7 October 1936

Sri Aurobindo 

Letters on Himself

Wednesday, September 23, 2020



          "You must not cherish the illusion that if you want to follow the straight path, if you are modest, if you seek purity, if you are disinterested, if you want to lead a solitary existence and have a clear judgment, things will become easy.... It is quite the contrary! When you begin to advance towards inner and outer perfection, the difficulties start at the same time.

I have very often heard people saying, “Oh! now that I am trying to be good, everybody seems to be bad to me! ” But this is precisely to teach you that one should not be good with an interested motive, one should not be good so that others will be good to you – one must be good for the sake of being good.

It is always the same lesson one must do as well as one can, the best one can, but without expecting a result, without doing it with a view to the result. Just this attitude, to expect a reward for a good action – to become good because one thinks that this will make life easier – takes away all value from the good action.

You must be good for the love of goodness, you must be just for the love of justice, you must be pure for the love of purity and you must be disinterested for the love of disinterestedness; then you are sure to advance on the way."

The Sunilit Path

Tuesday, September 22, 2020


 You have to develop the power and the habit of taking refuge in the protection of the Mother and myself. It is for this reason that the habit of criticising and judging by the outer mind or cherishing its preconceived ideas and formations must disappear. You should repeat always to yourself when it tries to rise, “Sri Aurobindo and the Mother know better than myself – they have the experience and knowledge which I have not – they must surely be acting for the best and in a greater light than that of ordinary human knowledge.” If you can fix that idea in yourself so that it will remain even in clouded moments you will be able to face much more easily the suggestions of the Asuric Maya. 

- Sri Aurobindo

Saturday, September 19, 2020




has 20 Branches and Centres in the Telugu States of AP & TS apart from a few Study circles, mainly at Hyderabad, and---also at Kurnool in AP;& at Yallur(having a Relics shrine) in Kurnool District,A.P.🌸

 The Society at National level and in the Telugu States would have gearedup with different programmes by now--for the 150 Years of Sri Aurobindo in 2022 but, for the pandemic curtailing the Activities in the last 6 months.🌺

  The State Committee of Telugu States has discussed about the programmes ----between 24th April in 2020 to 15th August 2022-- in its Meetings of 2019.🌱

  Let Us All Pray to The Mother for the Well-- being of the Mankind and to show us All-- the Members-- a direction for takingup Devotional programmes in 2021 and 2022 to create awareness about Integral Yoga 🌹

 Prayers to The Mother and The Master 👏


1.Sri J.Surendracharyulu, an elderly devotee and an ex vice- chairman of Sri Aurobindo society of combined AP, Siddipet has published a small book( Siddipet centre published 35 small Books & booklets in the last 10 years)by the Grace of The Mother 👏

2.Dr.Savitrigaru,Grand daighter of Late Sri Manapragada SreeRamulugaru has reprinted Sri AS Dalal Book-- Psychic Being in Telugu as ' ChaityaPurushudu'.(Both the parents of Dr Savitrigaru were Devotees of The Mother and The Master and SreeRamulugaru lived a full 100 years, till 2005 and wrote about Integral Yoga; mainly in Telugu till the last.)

 3.Sri KV Raogaru has Published 2 Books -- on Savitri and From:: The Mother's vision.( The 2 books are sent to Centres & Branches by Mr.Guruprasad, Bimavaram-- Co--ordinator in the State committee).



 Dr.P.Venkateswar Rao, Secretary, SAS-- Telugu States 94401 04449.

 Sri P V Guruprasad, Bimavaram---94404 59884

 Sri J Surendracharya, Siddipet, TS.--98660 32105

Dr.Savitrigaru, Hyderabad--81060 16264


 Every MC Member of a Centre or A Branch should by these Books & also gift them.

 Any Devotee can spread awareness about Integral Yoga through these Books🙏

Let Us All purchase the Books-- being published with a Devotional fervour.

Thank You.

 Prayers to The Mother 👏

 🌹P C Swaroop

Friday, September 11, 2020




        You remember, don't you, that when He left His body, the body remained glorious for almost five days. Perfectly luminous, even though He had poured all His Supramental Force into me.  He gave me everything, everything before He left.  But his body still radiated with the Supramental Splendour... You know, at that moment, during the last few minutes, I was standing near His bed and I could literally see the Supramental Light entering into me, materially, with a friction it was entering into me.  It was as concrete as that, through the pores, it was entering like this (gesture) 

THE SUPREME by Mona Sarkar


      Each step that I have placed deliberately on the earth has sent vibrations, like echoes that ring and resound, into the inertia of this matter which sleeps in a torpor of inconscience in order to awaken it to a rhythm of harmony and to a consciousness of beauty and truth. And how with a spark of light they awoke with Joy and responded to my call by a tremendous stirring to participate in this effort towards transformation. 

🌸 The Mother.👏



The Vision and the Boon(p-334)

 Alight, the dun unplumbed subconscient caves 

Thrilled with the prescience of her longed-for tread 

And filled with flickering crests and praying tongues. 

Even lost in slumber, mute, inanimate 

His very body answered to her power. 

The One he worshipped was within him now: 

Flame-pure, ethereal-tressed, a mighty Face 

Appeared and lips moved by immortal words; 

Lids, Wisdom's leaves, drooped over rapture's orbs. 

Savitri Sri Aurobindo p-334, The Vision and the Boon

Tuesday, September 8, 2020

The Vision and the Boon


All at her contact broke from silence' seal; 
Spirit and body thrilled identified, 
Linked in the grasp of an unspoken joy; 
Mind, members, life were merged in ecstasy. 
Intoxicated as with nectarous rain 
His nature's passioning stretches flowed to her, 
Flashing with lightnings, mad with luminous wine. 
All was a limitless sea that heaved to the moon. 
A divinising stream possessed his veins, 
His body's cells awoke to spirit sense, 
Each nerve became a burning thread of joy: 
Tissue and flesh partook beatitude. 

Savitri      Sri Aurobindo p-334, The Vision and the Boon

Wednesday, September 2, 2020

The Finding of the Soul P-530

But once the hidden doors are flung apart 

Then the veiled king steps out in Nature's front; 

A Light comes down into the Ignorance, 

Its heavy painful knot loosens its grasp: 

The mind becomes a mastered instrument 

And life a hue and figure of the soul. 

All happily grows towards knowledge and towards bliss.

Savitri Sri Aurobindo p-530, The Finding of the Soul





     Let the power of the Mother work in you, but be careful to avoid any mixture or substitution, in its place, of either a magnified ego-working or a force of Ignorance presenting itself as Truth. 

    Aspire especially for the elimination of all obscurity and unconsciousness in the nature.

Letters on The Mother
Sri Aurobindo 🙏

how does one do Yoga?

 🌸Q : Sweet Mother, how does one do Yoga?

The Mother : Be wholly sincere, never try to deceive others. And try never to

deceive yourself.


17 February 1968

(CWM 14:70)🌸

The Finding of the Soul


Behind all reigned her sovereign deathless soul: 

Casting aside its veil of Ignorance, 

Allied to gods and cosmic beings and powers 

It built the harmony of its human state; 

Surrendered into the great World-Mother's hands 

Only she obeyed her sole supreme behest 

In the enigma of the Inconscient's world. 

A secret soul behind supporting all 

Is master and witness of our ignorant life, 

Admits the Person's look and Nature's role.

Savitri Sri Aurobindo p-530, The Finding of the Soul.

The Future of Humanity

 28th August 2020

talk by Alok Pandey

Webinar by The Centre of Excellence, North East India Studies (under RUSA 2.0)

The Future of Humanity

This talk given as part of a webinar organised by Utkal University touches upon the future of humanity in the context of the widespread shuffle we see going on the world over it. The talk is followed by question and answers related to the subject and briefly touches upon the future of religions, ideologies, education etc.

Tuesday, September 1, 2020

Be Like a flower


The Finding of the Soul P-529

 In the country of the lotus of the head 

Which thinking mind has made its busy space, 

In the castle of the lotus twixt the brows 

Whence it shoots the arrows of its sight and will, 

In the passage of the lotus of the throat 

Where speech must rise and the expressing mind 

And the heart's impulse run towards word and act, 

A glad uplift and a new working came. 

The immortal's thoughts displaced our bounded view, 

The immortal's thoughts earth's drab idea and sense; 

All things now bore a deeper heavenlier sense. 

Savitri Sri Aurobindo p-529, The Finding of the Soul.

Monday, August 31, 2020

Savitri P-529, 530


A channel of the mighty Mother's choice, 

The immortal's will took into its calm control 

Our blind or erring government of life; 

A loose republic once of wants and needs, 

Then bowed to the uncertain sovereign mind, 

Life now obeyed to a diviner rule 

And every act became an act of God. 

In the kingdom of the lotus of the heart 

Love chanting its pure hymeneal hymn 

Made life and body mirrors of sacred joy 

And all the emotions gave themselves to God.

In the navel lotus' broad imperial range 

Its proud ambitions and its master lusts 

Were tamed into instruments of a great calm sway 

To do a work of God on earthly soil. 

Savitri Sri Aurobindo p-529, 530



Aphorism - 138


138—The force of soul in thee meeting the same force from outside cannot harmonise the measures of the contact in values of mind-experience and body-experience; therefore thou hast pain, grief or uneasiness. If thou canst learn to adjust the replies of the force in thyself to the questions of world-force, thou shalt find pain becoming pleasurable or turning into pure delightfulness. Right relation is the condition of blissfulness, Ritam1 the key of Ananda.2

Human beings are in the habit of basing their relationships with others on physical, vital and mental contacts; that is why there is almost always discord and suffering. If, on the contrary, they based their relationships on psychic contacts (between soul and soul), they would find that behind the troubled appearances there is a profound and lasting harmony which can express itself in all the activities of life and cause disorder and suffering to be replaced by peace and bliss.

28 August 1969[p.246]

1 Right; Truth of knowledge and action.

2 Delight of existence.

The Mother 

On Thoughts and Aphorisms

Saturday, August 22, 2020

Happy Ganesh Chaturthi

🌸Ganesha is the Power that removes obstacles by the force of Knowledge.
*  *  *  
Ganesha (among other things) is the Devata of spiritual Knowledge.

~Sri Aurobindo
(Letters on Yoga 2, p. 377-378)🌸

You see, this is how it happened: there's this Ganesh ... We had a meditation (this was more than thirty years ago) in the room where 'Prosperity' is now distributed. There were eight or ten of us, I believe. We used to make sentences with flowers; I arranged the flowers, and each one made a sentence with the different flowers I had put there. And one day when the subject of prosperity or wealth came up, I thought (they always say that Ganesh is the god of money, of fortune, of the world's wealth), I thought, 'Isn't this whole story of the god with an elephant trunk merely a lot of human imagination?' Thereupon, we meditated. And who should I see walk in and park himself in front of me but a living being, absolutely alive and luminous, with a trunk that long ... and smiling! So then, in my meditation, I said, 'Ah! So it's true that you exist!' - 'Of course I exist! And you may ask me for whatever you wish, from a monetary standpoint, of course, and I will give it to you!'

So I asked. And for about ten years, it poured in, like this (gesture of torrents). It was incredible. I would ask, and at the next Darshan, or a month or several days later, depending, there it was.

(Mother's Agenda, Vol. 1, July 6, 1958, page 175)

Saturday, August 15, 2020

Darshan Message — 15 August 2020

15th August 2020



Observe the Decoration of the Lamps in the Dining Hall-- Appropriate for the Times -- Sri Aurobindo's  Symbol and the Bow🌹


29th February, 2020--The Golden Day; 
24th April-- the Centenary of The Mother's final arrival to India in 1920.
150 Years of Sri Aurobindo in 2022🌹🥦
Progressive and Evolutionary Period.

Harmony and PEACE Be on Earth🌱

Prayers to The Mother for Her Grace and Protection to One and ALL👏
 P C Swaroop 🌹

#మనంమరచిపోతున్నమహనీయులు !!

 15 ఆగస్టు మన దేశానికి స్వాతంత్ర్యం వచ్చిన రోజే కాదు,

ప్రఖర జాతీయవాది, విప్లవవీరుడు, భారతమాత దాస్య

శృంఖలాల విమెాచనం కోసం విప్లవ పంథాలో పోరాడి జైలుకు

వెళ్ళిన దేశభక్తుడు అరవిందఘోశ్ !!

నేడు ఆయన జన్మదినము కూడా !!

అఖంఢ భారతానికే స్వాతంత్ర్యం కావాల అని కోరుకున్న వ్యక్తి !

జైలులోనే జగన్మాత సాక్షాత్కారం పొందిన మహనీయుడు !!

భారత దేశాన్ని భారతమాతగా , జగన్మాతృ స్వరూపంగా , 

ఆరాధన చేసి జగన్మాత ఉపాసకుడు !!

తరువాతి కాలంలో పాండిచ్చేరిలో ఆశ్రమాన్ని

స్థాపించి ఆధ్యాత్మిక జీవితంలో పరి పూర్ణత సాదించిన

ఆధ్యాత్మిక యెాగి " అరవింద " మహార్షి , ఆయన ఒక

గొప్ప తత్త్వవేత్త !! #ఆధ్యాత్మికగురువు !! 

ఆయన రచనలను ఆనాటి బ్రిటిషు ప్రభుత్వం ప్రచురించుకొనుటకు అనుమతి ఇవ్వలేదు !!

వారు చెప్పిన కారణం !! ఆయన అఖంఢ భారతాన్ని 

ఆహ్వాహనచేస్తున్నాడు !! 

దేశాన్ని జగన్మాతగా ఆరాధిస్తున్నాడు అని !!

ఆయన వ్రాసిన " సావిత్రి " గ్రంథం మహోన్నతమైనది !!

భారతీయులకే  కాదు విశ్వజనులందరికీ  ఆయన ఆరాధనీయుడు !!

వారి జన్మదిన సంధర్భంగా పుష్పాంజలి ఘటిద్దాం !! #జయహోభారత్!!

Sri Auromaa July & August 2020 - Vol. No. XV Issues No. 7 & 8

Sri Auromaa May & June 2020 - Vol. No. XV Issues No. 5 & 6

Sri Auromaa March & April 2020 - Vol. No. XV Issues No. 3 & 4

Happy SriAurobindo’s birthday & Independance day